
Deadly Dairy Industry's Deceptions

The powerful dairy industry uses deceptions to sell their products. This page on dairy industry deception includes these key facts:

  • Dairy influences the government to suppress awareness of the potential health risk of dairy products.
  • Monsanto Corporation forces FOX NEWS to kill story of cancer milk.
  • Dairy industry pays for falsified studies.
Government food chart makes us into pyramids

Through Political Influence

Dairy production is a major industry in many states. Through political influence, they have been able to suppress awareness of the potential health risk from various dairy products. Some government regulatory and food safety agencies continue to discredit scientific evidence and suppress awareness of dairy’s health risks. The US government’s monetary support for dairy farms exacerbates overproduction and encourages an unsustainable industry. Due to overwhelming evidence of being cancerous, American dairy products are banned in many other countries. Our American dairy products contain both cancer-causing contaminants and synthetics.

Through Advertisement Revenue Influence

Videos in this section focus on how Monsanto Corporation used its influence to promote its bovine growth hormone (rBGH) and then force FOX NEWS network through the influence of advertisement revenues to cancel a news story on this same cancer-causing growth hormone and the production of 'cancer milk'.

FOX NEWS reporters, Steve Wilson and Jane Akre, uncovered that most of the milk in the US and across some parts of the world is unfit to drink due to Monsanto Corporation's POSILAC®, which has been proven to be a cancer-causing growth hormone. The reporters were fired for attempting to inform people of the truth.

After a long court battle, the Court dismissed the whistle blowers protection for the reporters. The Court stated that there was no law to force the NEWS to state the truth. NEWS is no different than other any TV reality show.

Hotdog stand

Through Falsified Studies

The dairy lobby controls the information flow and advertise that dairy is good. Contrary to conclusions from their own studies, dairy consumption promotes cancer growth, causes heart disease, increase hip fractures, and diabetes.

Monsanto rBGH increases milk production but cripples and sickens the cows with mastitis. In the abuse videos, the crippled and the sick are sent to the burger chains, allowing their hamburgers to be sold at a low cost. Independant research has proven that rBGH is a cancer-causing growth hormone to consumers. This information is known outside the United States, thus American dairy importation is banned in Canada, Japan, and Europe.

Through Falsely Claiming Dairy Foods Are Healthy

Customers getting sick

The dairy industry falsely claims that its products maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. Yogurt is promoted as a healty food. But dairy yogurt has hormones and saturate fats. Greek yogurt has about three times the saturated fat of typical dairy yogurt. Some Greek yogurts contain bones and bugs. Added gelatin are made by boiling animals’ skin, tendons, ligaments, or bones. Sometimes carmine is added for its red dye. The red dye is obtained by crushing female cochineal insects. It reportedly takes the lives of 70,000 of these beetles to produce just 1 pound of red dye.

Many health and power bars are advertised as healthy, even if these bars have as much sugar and as much saturated fat as a candy bar. Some of these bars and dairy yogurts have added corn syrup. A video in this section is about corn syrup having mercury.